To build new systems based in equity, love, and liberation, we have to reconnect with our individual and collective humanity and build our capacity for discomfort and principled struggle. With these skills we can move to a more democratic and free society.  spark + dive creates space - in small and large scales - for that to happen. 

We do this work through engaging at the inter/personal level through coaching and supporting system change and culture shifts through facilitation and convenings.

Organizations spark + dive has partnered with, consulted for, facilitated, or somehow been in collaboration or cahoots with…

Cornerstone Theater Company, Taproot, Natural Resources Defense Council,  National Housing Trust, California Food and Farming Network, Network for Energy Water and Health in Affordable Buildings, Network of Ensemble Theaters, ArtSpot Productions, PearlDamour, the Network of Ensemble Theaters, Alternate ROOTS, Guild of Future Architects, Grand Park Los Angeles, Cucalorus Film Festival,  Working Narratives, Urban Institute, Low Income Investment Fund, Energy Foundation, Lambent Foundation, Theater Mitu, Gulf Coast Fellowship for Community Transformation, Showing Up for Racial Justice, Better World Group, Forte Labs (Building a Second Brain), Enterprise Community Partners, Emergent Strategy Ideation Institute, White People 4 Black Lives